The sad truth: I spent nine years in the query trenches.
*Deep Breath*
Yeah, nine.
But it was only the last couple of years when I decided to pull on my adult pants and create an excel spreadsheet of all the literary agents I wanted to (or have) queried.
In the past, I totally took for granted what it was like getting a quick response from a literary agent. And when querying, it's so important to have a few "quick response" agents on your list to see if your query and pages are "actually" working.
I'll also note that I hated sorting through Query Tracker to find a list. This was probably due to my lack of patience. 😬
And lastly, most of the agents on this list represent YA & Children's books, though some of them also represent Adult, PB, and Graphic novels.
So, here's an extensive list of literary agents who have responded to me within a week, over the last two years:
Brent Taylor, Triada US Literary Agency: Queried 04/05/20; responded 04/06/20
Jim McCarthy, Dystel, Goderich & Bourret LLC: Queried 04/05/20; responded 04/06/20
Quressa Robinson, Nelson Literary Agency: Queried 04/06/20; responded 04/13/20
John Cusick, Folio Literary Management: Queried 04/15/20; responded 04/15/20
Hilary Jacobson, ICM: Queried 04/16/20; responded 04/20/20
Dorian Maffei, Kimberly Cameron & Associates: Queried 04/26/20; responded 04/28/20
Andrea Morrison, Writer's House: Queried 04/22/20; responded 04/28/20
Rebecca Podos, Rees Literary Agency: Queried 06/03/20; responded 06/04/20
Carlisle Webber, Fuse Literary: Queried 06/04/20; responded 06/08/20
Emily van Beek, Folio Literary Management: I queried on 06/29/19 and she responded on 07/03/19
Maria Vicente, P.S. Literary: Queried 07/01/19; responded 07/03/19
Rachel Brooks, BookEnds Literary Agency: Queried 07/14/19; responded 07/19/19
Carrie Pestritto, Laura Dail Literary Agency: Queried 07/02/19; responded 07/09/19
Juliet Mushens, Mushens Entertainment: Queried 07/08/19; responded 07/14/19
Kristy Hunter, The Knight Agency: Queried 07/09/19; responded 07/09/19
Kerstin Wolf, D4EO Literary Agency: Queried 07/10/19; responded 07/10/19
Adria Goetz, Martin Literary Management: Queried 07/18/19; responded 07/22/19
Katie Boutiller, Donald Maass Literary Agency: Queried 07/25/19; responded 07/25/19
Allison Remcheck, Stimola Literary Studio: Queried 07/28/19; responded 07/31/19
Chloe Seager, Madeleine Milburn Literary Agency: Queried 07/29/19; responded 08/01/19
Laura Crokett, Triada US Literary Agency: Queried 08/02/19; responded 08/05/19
Molly Ker Hawn, The Bent Agency, Queried 08/02/19; responded 08/06/19
Aimee Ashcraft, Brower Literary & Management: Queried 08/05/19; responded 08/06/19
Liza Dawson, Liza Dawson Associates: Queried 08/30/19; responded 09/05/19
Bernadette Baker-Baughman, Victoria Sanders and Associates, LLC: Queried 08/20/19; responded 08/21/19
That's everything! Who knows, if this is helpful, I can do a post on agents who have responded overnight!
Edit: Here are agents that have responded overnight:
If you've queried an agent that has responded within a week, leave your response in the comment section below - it could help a fellow querying writer!
Still have more questions? Leave a comment below.
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Till next time blog world!